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No Mercy - October 21, 2001

WWF No Mercy
  You'er scared of The Rock!

The Rock gives Y2J a suplex
The Rock with a headlock on Y2J

Scream like a baby Jericho!
The People's Elbow!
Ya can't beat The Rock!   Roody Poo, You are 3 seconds - And The Rock means 3 seconds...
From signing the Brahma Book.
NO MERCY - Match #8: WCW Heavyweight Title Match

The Rock vs. Chris Jericho

The Rock and Jericho locked right up and Rock muscled Y2J to the mat. He got him in a headlock in the middle of the ring. Jericho broke loose and got Rock in an arm bar. Rock broke free and then Jericho slapped him in the face and then got him in an arm lock again. Jericho pummeled away at Rock against the ropes and then nailed him with knife-edge chops.

Rock finally exploded and nailed Jericho with a clothesline. He threw blows at Jericho and then went for the Rock Bottom and missed completely. Jericho then threw Rock to the outside and then dropped him across the security wall. They got back into the ring and Jericho dropped Rock again and went for the pin and got a 2-count.

Jericho picked up Rock and slammed him in the face, Rock then whipped him into the ropes and Jericho fired back with a flying forearm and took Rock down. He picked him up and slapped him in the face and then backed him into the corner and then nailed him hard with knife-edge chops. Rock then snapped and turned it around and threw his own knife-edge chops at Jericho. Jericho then nailed Rock with a spinning heel kick, followed by a backbreaker in the middle of the ring.

Jericho went for the pin and got a 2-count, but Rock rolled him over and also got a 2-count. Jericho picked up Rock and punched him in the face. He picked him up again and hit another knife-edge chop and then Rock hit the ropes and nailed Jericho with a flying forearm. Jericho then grabbed Rock and slammed him down across the top rope.

Jericho hit a legdrop and then went up to the top rope. Rock grabbed the top rope and Jericho fell onto the top turnbuckle. Rock hit Jericho with knife-edge chops while he was on the turnbuckle. Rock then went up and nailed Jericho with a superplex. Both men were down after the move.

Rock threw Jericho off the ropes and hit a huge belly-to-belly suplex. Jericho got right up and hit a short arm clothesline on the Rock. Rock got right up and tossed Jericho over the top rope to the outside. Rock then went outside and slammed Jericho into and onto the announcer's table. They got back into the ring and Rock continued to deliver a beating on Jericho.

Jericho then hit the ropes and went at Rock for a clothesline, but Rock exploded and hit the move on him. Rock hit a vertical suplex on Jericho and went for the pin. Rock then hit another suplex and went for the cover again on Jericho, but only got a 2-count.

Rock then picked Jericho up to his knees and got him in a reverse headlock. Rock held the hold for quite some time and Jericho finally got back up to his feet. He threw Rock into the ropes and went for a dropkick, but completely missed and Rock nailed him with a clothesline. Rock picked him up and slammed him into the corner and propped him up on the top rope.

Jericho nailed Rock with a missile dropkick and both men were down and out for the count. Rock started to get up and then fell back down. Jericho got up and they exchanged blows in the middle of the ring. Jericho hit an inverted elbow to the face and then a huricanrana and a 2-count.

Rock was down and Jericho stomped away at his face. Rock then whipped Jericho into the corner and punched him in the face. Jericho fired right out and nailed Rock with the Rock Bottom. He then hit the Lionsault off the middle rope and went for the pin. He only got a 2-count.

Jericho hit a bulldog on Rock and then set up for the People's Elbow mock. He missed the move and Rock got right up and hit Jericho with a leg wrench takedown. He got Jericho in the Sharpshooter. Jericho would not tap out and he made his way over and somehow got the bottom rope and the hold was released.

Jericho got out of the ring and Rock followed. Rock pulled the top off of the Spanish announce table. Jericho tried to get back into the ring and Rock pulled him back to the outside. Rock got up top of the table and pulled Jericho up with him. He nailed Jericho with the Rock Bottom through the table and it all came crashing down!

Rock got back into the ring to break the count and then rolled back out and pulled Chris Jericho back by the hair. He rolled him back into the ring and then saw Jericho's elbow pad from his People's Elbow mockery and it appeared to piss him off. Rock went for his finisher and Jericho nailed him with an elbow. They fought hard and Rock finally hit a spinebuster.

Rock set up for the People's Elbow and went for the move. Jericho countered and got Rock in the middle of the ring locked in the Walls of Jericho. He didn't lock the hold very well and Rock nearly got the bottom rope. Jericho saw this and pulled Rock to the middle. Stephanie McMahon then came down and threw a chair into the ring. Jericho ran at her and Rock hit him with the DDT.

Stephanie was cheering for the Rock and he dragged her into the ring and hit her with the Rock Bottom. Jericho came up from behind and hit Rock with a forward Full Nelson slam into the steel chair and then pinned him to win the WCW World Championship!
Winner: Chris Jericho