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The People's Champion


*Name: Dwayne Douglas Johnson
*Born: In California on May 2,1972
*Currently: 29 years old
*Height: 6'5"
*Weight:270 pounds
*Wife: Dany (32), who is now pregnant
*Parents: Rocky and Ata Johnson
*Third generation wrestler, related to the great "High Chief" Peter Maivia (The Rock's grandfather)
*Currently Resides in Miami, Florida
*College: Attended University of Miami. Majored in criminology and phsychology. Met his wife here. Played football for Miami Hurricanes. (#94)Realized how little attention injured players recieve when he had a severe spine injury.
*CFL: (Canadian Football League) Played for the Calgary Stampeders when he was not signed by the NFL.
*Debuted at the 1996 Survivor Series; the last remaining survivor
*Aliases - Flex Kavana in the USWA; he was known as Rocky Maivia when he first entered the WWF, developing the entire "The Rock" persona around the time of his 1998 SummerSlam ladder match with HHH

Title History:

*WWF Champ: (6-time)Defeats Mankind with Vince McMahon's help in 1998 after Survivor Series

*Intercontinental Champ (2-time): Defeated HHH in February 1997 Raw Is War to gain 1st IC title

*Tag-Team Champ: (4-time)In 1999 The Rock's first Title reign began with The Rock 'n' Sock Connection defeating Big Slow and the Dead Man

*WCW Champ: (1-time) The Great One defeated Booker T with a Rock Bottom at Summerslam to become the new WCW Champion!
Here's lookin' at you kid!

The Rock is a Triple Triad Winner - (has possessed the World, IC, and Tag-Team belts).

He won the 2000 Royal Rumble by throwing the Big Slow's candy !!! out of the People's ring!

Former member and leader of the Nation of Domination

Won the 1996 Survivor Series stable, which he debuted in

He has never won a King of the Ring tournament

At age 26, he was the youngest WWF Champion ever

He has been in 4 WWF Wrestlemania's, but only main-evented in 3

Married Dany in 1997; they now have a beautiful daughter

The Rock's contract expires in November of 2009

Dany is the associate Vice-President of Merill Lynch

The Rock's salary is between 1-5 million for his current contract

Did You Know? The Reason The Rock wore the black jumpsuit with the white stripes during his title reign in the Corporation was because he had just had liposuction, and wanted to cover up the scars - hence the scars on his shoulders

The Rock's 10 Commandments:
1. Thou shalt know thy role.
2. Thou shalt shut thy mouth.
3. Thou shalt not be a jabroni.
4. Thou shalt not be a roody poo candy ass.
5. Thou shalt take sideways turned objects straight up that candy ass.
6. Thou shalt smell what The Rock is cookin'.
7. Thou shalt take smackdowns as a blessing from The Rock.
8. Thou shalt lay still while receiving The People's Elbow.
9. Thou shalt not talk trash to The Rock.
10. Thou shalt chant his name...Rocky...Rocky...Rocky."

The Great One's Favorite Things:

*TV show: America's Most Wanted or Unsolved Mysteries
*Food: All Polynesian Food
*Hobbies: Reading Quotes, Working Out, Fishing, Kicking Candy !!!
*Actress: Dany Garcia
*Actor: Tommy Lee Jones
*Fast Food: Pizza
*Watch: Shang Tsung Rolex
*Sport (besides wrestling): Football
*Athlete: Junior Seau
*Secret Talent: The Great One is one hell of a cook! (Do you smell what The Rock is cookin'?)
*Movie: It's a Wonderful Life
*Biggest Thrill: Being the sole survivor in Madison Square Garden in the 1996 Survivor Series; which was his 1st WWF PPV appearance
*Person Would Most Like to Meet: Martin Luther King, Jr.
*Cartoon Character: The Punisher
*Singer: Sam Cooke
*Animal: Brahma Bull
*Favorite Book: The Life & Times of Sam Cooke
*Video Game: Any John Madden game, Tekken 2
*Best Advice Ever Given: Respect is given when it's earned, so go out and earn it!
*Rap Artist - Slick Rick
*Pie - Poontang

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